代做Math 253编程、代写Java,c++程序语言
责任编辑:肥义 来源:晋网 时间:2020-12-10 11:24 阅读量:8686 会员投稿
代做Math 253编程、代写Java,c++程序语言
Math 253 Final Exam December 2018 Duration: 150 minutes
This test has 8 questions on 8 pages, for a total of 80 points.
• Read the questions carefully.
• Where appropriate, give complete arguments and explanations for all your calculations.
Answers without proper justification may not be marked.
• Continue on the closest blank page if you run out of space, and indicate this clearly
on the original page.
• Attempt to answer all questions for partial credit.
• This is a closed-book examination. No aids of any kind are allowed, including:
notes, cheat sheets, electronic devices of any kind (including calculators, phones, etc.)
First Name: Solutions Last Name:
Student-No: Section:
Question: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
Points: 12 12 9 8 8 8 8 15 80
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Math 253 Final Exam pg 2 of 8 Student-No.
12 marks 1. Consider the following contour plot of a function f(x, y). The values of the contours are
equally spaced and other reasonable assumptions can be made.1
The gradient of f at (9.5, 5.5) is indicated by the black arrow; it is (∇f)(9.5, 5.5) = h1, 0i.
(a) Find the approximate coordinates of the critical points of f on the domain shown.
Classify each as a local maximum, a local minimum, a saddle point, or “other”.
Solution: (12, 6) local max (3, 3) local max (6.5, 7.5) local min
(7, 4.5) saddle (3.5, 8.5) saddle
(b) Find the coordinates of the global maximum of f and the global minimum of f.
Solution: (12, 6) is global max, by counting contours. (0, 7.5) is the global min.
(c) Is fy(11, 10) negative or positive? (circle the correct answer)
Solution: negative: as we move upwards, the contour values are decreasing.
(d) Is fyy(11, 10) negative or positive? (circle the correct answer)
Solution: negative: as we move upwards, the contour values are decreasing and
they are also becoming closer together—they are decreasing at a faster rate.
(e) Suppose f(9.5, 5.5) = 10. Give the approximate value of f(13, 6). Hint: use the
gradient to estimate the contour spacing.
Solution: First note the magnitude of the gradient is 1. This is a slope = rise
over run. Specifically, over a run of 1 we have a rise of 1.
1Reasonable assumptions include: the gradient does not vanish along an entire contour; and the function
does not fluctuate wildly on a scale smaller that shown by the contours.
Page 2
Math 253 Final Exam pg 3 of 8 Student-No.
Now we look at the diagram. Over a run of 1 (from 9.5 to 10.5) we crossed two
contours. Thus the contour spacing must be 0.5. So f(13, 6) ≈ 11.5 (its three
contours above 10).
(f) What is the direction of the gradient at the point (6.5, 1)? Circle your answer.
(g) An angry fire ant is at (2, 10). It starts walking and with each small step, it moves
in the direction of maximum increase of f. On the contour plot above, draw the
path followed by the ant. Hint: practice on the spare rough copy to the left.
12 marks 2.
2 and consider the implicit surface defined by F(x, y, z) = 0.
(a) Find all points on the surface where x = 1 and y = 2
Solution: There are two, with z = ±2.
(b) Let a be a parameter. Consider two planes given by
a(x − 1) − 4(y − 2) + 4(z − 2) = 0,
a(x − 1) − 4(y − 2) − 4(z + 2) = 0.
What is the cosine of the angle between their normal vectors?
Solution: The normal vectors are u = ha, −4, 4i and v = ha, −4, 4i.
(c) Find the value of a such that both planes are tangent to the implicit surface at
x = 1 and y = 2. We see that
a = −16 (noting the last component matches using our answer from (a)).
(d) Set up (but do not evaluate) an integral for the total surface area of the surface
where (x, y) is in the rectangular region R = {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, 0 ≤ y ≤ 2}.
Solution: Solve for z
2 = x
. We’ll need to multiply by 2 because there is a
top and bottom to the surface,
Math 253 Final Exam pg 4 of 8 Student-No.
9 marks 3. In the contour plots below, the values of the contours are evenly spaced. Nine of these
twelve plots correspond to graphs on the next page.
Math 253 Final Exam pg 5 of 8 Student-No.
Put the letter of the corresponding contour plot from the previous page in the box below
each graph. (The axes of the nine graphs below are all oriented in the standard way: the
positive x-axis is on the left, the positive y-axis is on the right, and the positive z-axis is
Math 253 Final Exam pg 6 of 8 Student-No.
8 marks 4. Consider the integral Z 8
(a) Sketch the domain of integration.
Solution: The domain of integration is the bounded region under the curve
y = x
3 over the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 2.
(b) Evaluate the integral.
Solution: We cannot find a closed form for the antiderivative of e
, so our
strategy is to switch the order of integration. Upon switching the order of
(b) Indicate whether each statement about a lamina is true or false (circle your answer).
i. True/ False : If ρ(x, y) = ρ0, then the mass is independent of ρ0.
ii. True /False: If ρ(x, y) = ρ0, then the centre of mass is independent of ρ0.
iii. True/ False : If ρ(x, y) = f(x) then ¯y = 0 (because y is an odd function).
(c) Sketch a shape D of uniform density whose centre of mass is not contained in D.
Solution: Lots of non-convex shapes have this property, an annulus or part of
an annulus for example.
3. Fill in the boxes below to complete the integrals for the volume of C.
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