责任编辑:许一诺 来源:晋网 时间:2016-12-12 13:53 阅读量:17447
Part 1和Part 3罕见误区:
个人爱好类考题(Do you like...?)是Part 1中一定会出现的问题之一。这个看似特别简单的问题却成了很多考生跑题的圈套。考生简单重视标题中的名词进行一味扩大和解释反而疏忽了对个人爱好缘由的论述。
例:Do you like your hometown?
错误答复:Yes, I like it very much. My hometown is a small coastal city. And lots of people are living there. It is famous for its seafood as well.
准确答复:Yes, I like living in XXX because it's where most of my relatives and friends live, and there are plenty of things to do there. Another thing I like is the weather of my hometown. It is quite warm and nice. It is not too hot in the summer and warm enough during winter. So it’s good for outdoor activities almost all year around.
问题解析:大部分以“Do you like...”作为开首的标题中,标题自己没有任何难度,考核的是需求大家对一个问题能够直接领悟的论述爱好或许不爱好一件事物的缘由。然而常常这样简单的问题却让很多考生答非所问。例如在这个问题中给出“Yes”后没有持续解释爱好这个事物的缘由,而是开始介绍这个事物。也许考生心里想到了他爱好的是“sea”、“people”、“seafood”这几个方面,然而却针对这几个方面开始介绍,而没有直接给考官表述爱好故乡的缘由,形成跑题。所以碰到“个人爱好类话题”,考生们需求第一时间给出自己的概念,而且以后明确给出自己爱好或不爱好的缘由,并对缘由进行解释。
频率类考题(How often)在Part 1中的出题频率之高可谓是100%!不管考生在Part 1“个人爱好标题”中做出确定还是不是认的答复,都被考官持续询问这个话题。在这样的一个情形下,特别使答复“不爱好”的同窗手足无措,无言以对,甚至又反复自己上一问的答案,这样就显著会形成跑题。
例:How often do you listen to music?
错误答复:I am a big fan of music. And I like listening to all kinds of music, like hip-hop, Jazz and light music.
准确答复:I have to say I listen to music almost everyday. You know, I am a big fan of pop music. So I usually listen to the music on my way to school or back home. And even when I take a shower, I always listen to the music channel. Music always brings me a good mood.
问题解析:这道标题问的是“多久听一次音乐”,在错误答案中没有第一时间给出一个明确的频率答案,而是答复说自己特别酷爱音乐,而且持续扩大自己爱好的音乐类型,所以直到最后都没有一个明了的答复。下头的答案准确地答复了“how often”的问题,而且细化了答案,用pop music取代问题中的music,加上地点和爱好缘由的简单润饰,让全部答案更加完整、生动。所以碰到“频率类”话题,考生们需求第一时间给出自己的概念,而且以后明确给出自己有这样概念的解释。
范围类考题分为地区和时间两大部分(in China/in your hometown;in the past/at present);而且在Part1和Part3中都常常出现,需求考生在听题时一定要留意范围的准确性。这样的标题常常形成考生想固然,单方面的从一方面的范围角度开始解释问题,而形成跑题的结果。
例1:Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present?
错误答复:Well, I usually celebrate my birthday with my parents. They bought me lots of birthday gifts and prepared a nice dinner for me. But sometime my friends held a birthday party for me. It was really nice as well.
准确答复:Sure, I think there's a big difference. When I was a child, my parents always prepared a birthday party for me, and we sang birthday song and ate birthday cake together. But now I seldom celebrate my birthday and sometimes I even forget it, because I'm so busy and I have no time to celebrate it.
例2:Are flowers important in your culture?
错误答复:Well, different people have different thoughts. Some people may love flowers so much that they see flowers as their life; while others may not care about flowers or are allergic to flower pollen. To them, flowers are no more than a bunch of lifeless plants.
准确答复:In China, flowers are important because many of them have special meanings and become more and more popular. For example, the Peony is the national flower of China; it represents richness, honor and even high social status, so people like to send a bunch of Peonies to elders at some important festivals. And, lilies symbolize one hundred years of love and devotion, so they are used for decoration at weddings in my country.
问题解析:碰到范围类的话题,需求考生留意考官问题考核目的的时间或人群范围,切记不要侧重于一点或许答复范围以外的问题。例如在第一个标题中考官问到的是诞辰庆贺在过去和目前的差别,很大一部分考生简单仅仅重视答复目前庆贺诞辰的方法而疏忽答复问题中的时间比较。还有一部分同窗分别答复了过去和目前诞辰的庆贺方法,然而却在最开始没有交待清楚是不是有差别,不晓得答复的重点在哪里。而例2中考生没有准确懂得“to Chinese people”和“in your culture”的差别。答案中考生并没有答复花在中国文化中是不是重要,而是错误分类答复了不一样人群对花的意见。在测验中这样答非所问会致使出现考官一直打断的现象。
人称指代类话题在Part3中特别简单困惑考生,很多考生在考完或许测验答复期间会忽然发现自己在这一类话题中跑题的现象。在Part1中大部分问题都是环绕“YOU”开展的,是对考生个人信息和平常生活的发问,例如“Are you...”, “Do you...”, “How often do you do...”。而在Part3中问题的范围会扩大,需求去站在更加高的角度整体地分析和猜测一些社会、人文类问题。Part3问题中人称代词也会相应产生很大的变化,例如“Do men and women like to...”, “Do different age groups...”, 需求考生在练习口语标题的过程当中,听清看清标题中的人称代词,给出准确的答案。
例1:Do you think that people are influenced by adverts on TV? Why?
错误答复:Well, I am not sure. I think many people do pay attention to advertisements on TV. When I watch TV at home and have to see the advertisements over and over again. I think some of advertisements are quiet creative, entertaining and inspiring. But most of them are very boring and time consuming. And it seems to be on for like forever. I have to watch these ads over and over again, which annoys me a lot.
准确答复:Yes, I think we are all influenced to some extent by TV adverts, otherwise companies wouldn't pay so much to have them shown. Advertisers are very good at making us believe that their products or services will improve our life in some way. For example, if you see an advert for a new phone, it plants a seed in your mind, and you start to wonder about replacing your old phone.
例2:What disagreements do teenagers often have with their parents? Why?
错误答复:When I was young, I always disagree with my parents about all kinds of things. My parents are very strict to me about all things I do, like when I should be back home, whom I hang out with, what kinds of books I read. I think they just overcontrolled my life. I remember that my parents didn’t allow me to do manicure, while almost all my friends had tried at that time. I thought I was mature enough to tell right from wrong. And I could make my own decision without my parents’ instructions. Following and listening to them all the time annoyed me a lot.
准确答复:Teenagers disagree with their parents about all sorts of things, like the clothes they want to wear, whether they can go out with their friends, doing homework, and how much help they give their parents around the house. I think the teenage years are the period when we develop a sense of identity, and we want to make our own decisions rather than follow other people's instructions. I remember having disagreements with my own parents, usually about simple things like getting up early in the morning, tidying my room, or even doing the washing up!
问题解析:碰到人称指代类的话题,需求考生在测验中准确反响每个问题的所问目的人群。因为目前Part1与Part3标题出现了重合现象,所以没办法武断地认为Part1部分问题所有关于“自己”,而一味自觉地从本身经历和感触动身。同理,在Part3中很多考生却在不经意间被考官问到关于“自己”的有关问题,例如“Do you want to be a celebrity in the future?”。相似这样的问题在Part3中也会常有出现,假如答复“It depends on different personalities”就是个范围上跑题的错误。然而,Part3普通考题是笼统标题,所以议论的范围特别广,需求考生从“people大众”的角度去分析,而不是单单从“myself个人”的概念动身。例1和例2的错误答案比较典范,都是在从个人的角度去分析和议论考官的问题,而没有留意到考官问题中考核的实际上是“people”和“teenagers”的角度。在答复中考生能够联合本身的经历作为例子去论证(如例2),然而不能够通篇都论述本身的事情和概念,以偏概全。